Glen Lake Chamber of Commerce

Annual Plow Day: Poor Farm Barn

Poor Farm Maple City

A Plow Day groundbreaking ceremony and celebration of National Historic Preservation Month will take place at the Leelanau County Poor Farm Barn in Myles Kimmerly Park near Maple City event rescheduled for Sunday, May 26th from 1-3pm. Participate in the historical reenactment of draft horses plowing the second Buckets of Rain garden at the Poor

Memorial Ceremony at Glen Arbor Cemetery

MI, United States

The 3rd annual Memorial Ceremony at the historic Glen Arbor Cemetery, which we are in the midst of renovating, kicks off Memorial Day weekend at 10:00 a.m. sharp on Friday, May 27th. This year, we honor Civil War veteran Daniel Parker with a presentation by members of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil

Keep one foot in Glen Arbor

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